There is so much I could write seems to be moving at such a fast pace. So I will just do a few quick updates. Warning, this may be long and boring, with little pictures. You have my permission to skip this post.
We are moving into our house on September 28th. This has been a huge blessing. The house is big, almost 3,000 square feet. There are six rooms and three bathrooms. However, there is some work to be done in the basement, we had to take out four feet of drywall all over the basement and take up the carpet. We plan to do all that work ourselves and when we have money. We will be completely re-doing the bathroom downstairs as well. The upstairs is completely perfect, minus some of the color choices of the walls. Annalee's room is bigger than the master bedroom, so I am excited because all of her furniture, including her rocker will fit in there. The house has already appraised for 22,000 more than we are buying it for and that is without the basement work we are going to do. Seriously it was a blessing and we are so excited. I feel like I have been unsettled since April, well really I have been. I can't wait to get all my stuff out of storage, especially since it is fall and I have great fall decorations. I'm hoping with all the extra room my family will come and visit a lot, or I will adopt lots of African children to live there.
That brings me to another subject. Friday at school we had the Matsiko choir from Uganda perform. It took me back to my days in Africa. I miss it. I miss the children. We are really so blessed. The performance was so inspiring and made me want to conquer the world, or at least help in anyway that I can...not just in Africa, but everywhere. It was one of those enlightening moments. Love it.
Annalee is getting so big. I can't get enough of her. She is so wonderful. She has a little tooth poking it's way through, so we've got lots of slober. She laughs all the time. She laughs and laughs. Everyone stops to tell me how beautiful and perfect she is, she is a crowd favorite for sure. The other night she took pictures with some of her cousins that were born last year and they were crying or pulling off their hats in every picture, not Annalee. She posed in every single picture. I have to get the copies because she was perfect and the thing went on for like an hour. I'm glad she can look good in pics cause her mom sure cant. This is a picture of her just being her funny camera is in storage so I don't have any updated pics but Whit took these awhile ago.
I love to squeeze her every single day. I tell her I have to give her a million kisses a day. Some days I probably hit that mark :)
We've got to play with Whit a few times. She came up last weekend to help watch Annalee while we did a few things at our new house and to watch Annalee while I spoke in church. Thanks're just great!
Saturday was my last day of going to the laundry mat, one more bonus about buying a house. It really is such a pain to load everything up, spend at least $20 and 3 hours sitting at a laundry mat. Annalee and I have made it pretty fun though, she always comes to help me and Kenny has even come many times to help. There is something to say about having family time, working tv, no interruptions, sometimes just sitting there waiting for the clothes to dry. Don't get me wrong, I won't miss it that much, but will just have to find other ways to have absolutely nothing going on for three hours!
Kenny goes to the police academy in January. So that means my first winter in Wyoming he will be gone for three months of it. I am already starting to dread it, but just want it to be over with. Annalee and I will have a lot of time together in our big house. There is a wood burning stove in our house and Kenny was worried about that, HELLO doesn't he know I grew up in Eagar and I made a fire every morning. I am really excited for the fire place...not excited for Kenny to be six hours away in an academy.
My sister Michelle had her baby boy, Jett. She is in Alaska so I haven't go to see her and the new baby. I'm sad about that, but glad they are doing good. Jeremy and Echelle are having another girl ---isn't that fun, Michelle all boys and Jeremy all girls. Then Shane and Jennifer are having a baby, we are all just waiting to see what they will have! Needless to say our family is growing, I feel so far from them but love em to death.
Every night as I lay in bed falling asleep I think about Christmas. Christmas decorations, Christmas presents, Christmas spirit, Christmas tree. I even listened to Christmas music yesterday and today in church the little girl in front of me was reading the words to all the Christmas hymns during the Sacrament, so I of course was singing along in my head. I can't wait...